Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Cassava production earned my husband his degree to become a head teacher

 When Molly Egwang sits to narrate her story, it is one you will most likely not believe if you just 
heard it from someone as they tell it to you, for, only she can tell it with the passion it deserves. Molly and Clarkson Egwang multiplys cassava seed and are also processors of HQCC. This is their story.

Egwang Clarkson, 43, and his wife Molly Egwang,40 years live in an iron roofed brick house fitted with solar lighting at their village home in Apac District. They have 7 children of their own and have taken into their care, 6 orphans. The Egwangs belong to the farmer group -Agency for Food Security Network (AFOSEN) of which Molly is the Chairperson. The group comprises 359 members including 188 women.
Molly Egwang in one of her cassava gardens at home in Apac District
Apart from farming cassava, Mr. Egwang has taken on a career of Education, thanks to earnings they made from cassava production that made his dream come to reality.
“When we got the 3.5 Million Shillings from the stem cuttings we sold, I made sure I divide this money to fund both my husband and our children’s education. He enrolled to Kampala International University (KIU) to attain his degree in Education so as to attain his big dream of becoming a head teacher. And, yes, we made it, he graduated” says Molly excitedly.  Mr. Egwang is now the Head Teacher of Apwori Primary School in Apac District.

Molly Egwang clears her 1.3acre piece of land for multiplication of NaSE14 this year 2017
“As a family, we plan together, my wife and i. I was in school, my children were in school, we had to eat, we had to seek medical care when necessary and we even had to dress. You can see, there was lot demanding and yet here we are. I have advanced in my career, our house is even plastered and my children are all in school. We appreciate what cassava farming has contributed to our lives” remarks Mr. Egwang.
 Their first born son, Ronald Egwang has completed his Secondary level and hopes to take on an Agricultural course at the university. “For me, this has a sentimental feeling to it seeing how far agriculture has brought me in life” Ronald looks up to his mother whom he adores as influential and describes her zeal and passion for farming as fascinating.
 The couple has also managed to purchase a motorcycle. This has ably eased Mr. Egwang’s transport challenges for he is able to get to his job at the school on time.They have also bought a cow and plastered their house at a cost of 4.5 million shillings

Molly on her 2.5 already cleared land intended for multiplication of NaROCASS 1 this year 2017
The Egwangs currently own a 6acre garden of NaSE 14 and 1 acre of NaROCASS1.
Having these gardens has largely supported our processing, we are able to sustain fresh root supply because these varieties are high yielding. The varieties also have less cyanide which makes the processing go on smooth” says Molly.
In 2015, they made earnings of 2.3 Million shillings from processing. In 2016, they processed 32 tons and supplied to local markets at 900 shillings per kilo. Also got 6.8 Million shillings from stem cuttings sold in 2015. Molly has mastered all the required agronomic practices and a visit to her cassava garden would reveal that she plants the cassava in rows, weeds and properly cares for her garden as is expected.
She explains that it is important to plant in rows and at the right spacing to get better seed quality and maximum yields.With the proceeds of their enterprise, the couple pays for their children’s education and are also supporting orphans among other responsibilities. The plans for this couple in cassava production are bigger. Molly has already cleared 2.5 acres of land to multiply the NaROCASS 1 variety in March 2017. She has also cleared another 1.3 acres to multiply the NaSE 14 variety this year.

Mr.and Mrs Egwang at their home in Apac District. Mr. Egwang was supported through cassava production and processing to attain his degree in Education

Their farmer group has been identified to supply 16,000 bags of cuttings to the Government of Rwanda. They sell at 32,000 shillings per bag to the regional markets. She has also encouraged fellow farmers to increase their acreage of cassava production to about 2 acres. She also trains farmers in good agronomic practices, knowledge she attained from trainings extended to her through CAVA II project.


  1. That's white gold for you.Truly adding value to lives.

  2. That's white gold for you.Truly adding value to lives.
